Welcome to the last stop on the Quilt Uberfest organized by the fantastic Scott Hanson, of
Blue Nickel Studios. I was so excited to be a stop on my first blog hop!!
Hopefully by now you know what
Uberfest is, but for those of you who may not let me explain. It is a 16 stop blog hop. Each blogger has posted a free block pattern. In order to help unify the blocks we have each integrated log cabins and/or half square triangles made up of a selection of prints from the
Sleeping Beauty line by Nel Whatmore for FreeSpirit Fabrics, along with Kaffe Fassett stripes and a print or 2 of each bloggers' choosing.
Now on to the Block
I choose to call mine Nesting.
Green butterfly print
Cutting directions:
I'm going to list them based on what I cut from. But please feel free to use any fabric of your choice.
From Green Shot Cotton and Butterfly print cut1 each 3"square
From green cut 1 strip 1 3/4" x 4"
From the Stripes
2 Strips 2"x 5 1/2"
2 Strips 2"x 5"
From Khaki
2 Strips 2"x 8"
1 Strip 2"x 8"
1 Strip 1 1/2"x 8"
From Flowers:
1 Strip 2 1/2" x 11"
1 Strip 2 1/2" x 11 1/2"
1 Strip 2" x 11"
1 Strip 2" x 11 1/2"
Sewing Directions:

Ok please bear with me. This is my first attempt at a tutorial and/or pattern. So first you take your squares and on the lighter fabric draw a line straight down the center.
Sew 1/4" on either side of the line. Cut square in half down the line. Press 2 triangles open. Trim HST square down to 2 1/4". You should now have 2 HST.
With right sides together sew them together. To help reduce bulk I press this seam open. You now have what looks like a flying geese block.
Take your green strip and sew it to the bottom.
We are now going to take the stripe fabric and begin sewing the strips on. We will be going counterclockwise. We will be starting on the right side. Take your first 2" x 5 1/2" strip and with right sides together sew it. Stopping about 1/2" from the bottom of the Geese block.
Press open. Now taking a 2" x 5" place it along the top of the block right sides together and sew.
Press open. Continue with other 2 strips. Longer one next and then shorter one. Now remember that little spot you left open on your first seam? Now that the last piece is on we will finish sewing that side. (we will do this for the remaining 2 rows)

We will be sewing clockwise this time. Take one 2" x 8" strip. Match up the bottoms. With right sides together start about 1/2" in and sew all the way down.
Press open. Take your 2" x 8 1/2" strip And starting at the top sew it to the bottom.
Press open. Take your 1 1/2" x 8" strip and sew it to the side. You will then take your last strip and sew it to the top. Don't forget to finish that first seam.
We are back to sewing counterclockwise this time. Since the flower strips are all different I labeled them a-d to help keep them straight. Take strip b and sew it to the right side (just like with the first stripe strip)
Press open. Take strips c, a, and d. Sew in that order.
Press block. You should have a block big enough to trim up a bit. And your finished block should measure 12 1/2".
Sorry for the quality of pictures. Our point and shoot takes worse pictures and isn't working properly. So I used myiPhone. And I have know idea how to get them to rotate, when uploading from a phone.
*EDIT* there is no PDF. I'm not really sure how to make one! Sorry. :(
Hope these instructions were some what clear. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be.